Research projects (LWS)
We would be pleased to present you with a selection of our projects in the field of research and services.
38489.1 IP-ICT - Impulse: Agent-based digital teacher (Innosuisse)
In this project, an agent-based digital teacher will be developed and tested to support practice-oriented, online remote training of complex industrial software and hardware with high availability and reliability for the first time.
- The agent-based digital teacher helps teachers to efficiently create appropriate teaching materials,
- It supports learners with practicing and acquiring practical knowledge independently or with the assistance of agents.
The modular and agent-based structure facilitates the introduction and leads the learner quickly to the first sense of achievement and enables the teacher to create the exercises efficiently and as automatically as possible. Thus, the learning sessions are no longer tied to the time and place of the provider. The interactive online remote training meets the demands of a mobile and multi-layered society to access relevant knowledge and teaching materials from anywhere and at any time via the Internet ("ad-hoc & meta-learning"). The agent-based approach provides both the teacher and the learner with a digital companion that supports these groups in their respective tasks according to their needs.
Contact: Beatrice Paoli
Duration: 1.11.2019 - 31.10.2020
Optimizing oral iron supplementation regimens during pregnancy: maximizing absorption and minimizing GI side effects
Oral iron supplementation is the mainstay of therapy for iron deficiency.
However, bioavailability of iron supplements is generally low, resulting in high doses being administered, increasing the risk for gastrointestinal (GI) side effects and, consequently, ineffective therapies. Alternate day regimens (i.e. administering one supplement every second day) result in higher fractional absorption in young non-pregnant women in short term and medium term studies. We aim to investigate and optimise iron supplementation in pregnant women, and to assess side effects of alternate day regimens with a novel App which will be developed in collaboration with the FFHS Laboratory for Web Science (LWS). The new tool will then be deployed in a RCT in pregnant women conducted in collaboration with the Laboratory of Human Nutrition of ETH Zürich and the Institute of Nutrition at Mahidol University in Thailand.
Contact: Joachim Steinwendner, Diego Moretti
Duration: April 2019 – March 2022
Trendsentdecker and Students@Risk Tools (TrEndS)
The TrEndS project is a cooperation between the Laboratory for Web Science (LWS) and the MSc program management.
It offers the possibility of systematic data collection and analysis in order to better identify the potential of the study programme and to derive appropriate measures from it. This project is based on the existing databases CAS Campus and Evento. It provides a new way of dealing with the collected data and at the same time contains suggestions for the standardisation and use of information stored in different ways. Machine learning and deep learning algorithms will in future make it possible to automatically generate information from data. The planned data analysis tool consists of the parts (I) "Trendsentdecker" and (II) "Students@Risk" and allows subsequent extensions (e.g. personalisation of the learning offer based on estimated risk).
Contact: Martina Perani
Duration: 1.12.2018 - 29.2.2020
Measure Based on Graph Automorphism: Theoretical Aspects and Their Application
The LWS is project partner in the project "Measure Based on Graph Automorphism" by Matthias Dehmer from the FH Steyr.
The aim of the project is the investigation of invariants on graphs, especially those defined by automorphisms. It is investigated which relationships exist between different invariants and to what extent these invariants can unambiguously classify graphs within certain graph classes.
Contact: Urs-Martin Künzi
Duration: 1.2.19 - 30.9.2020