Research fields IMI

The Institute for Management and Innovation (IMI) conducts application-oriented research and development, applied basic research and consulting in the field of management and innovation. Thematically, IMI is active in four research fields. It is also part of an international network of scientific partners. The research findings are incorporated into teaching and are made available to the public in the form of publications.

The research area "Innovation, Accounting and Auditing" focuses on topics relating to accounting, auditing, corporate governance and financing. A special focus is placed on the economic aspects of accounting, auditing and social security law and thus on the interface between business administration and law. In the context of these topics, the research field is dedicated in particular to publicly subsidized organizations (e.g. companies of social and occupational integration/social firms, homes and workshops) and non-profit organizations. In addition to financial reporting, further corporate reporting, in particular impact communication, sustainability reporting and integrated reporting, is an additional area of interest.

One concern of the research field "Innovation, Accounting and Auditing" is application-oriented research with a scientific foundation. The aim is to answer open questions from business practice and to develop practical solutions. In the spirit of application-oriented research, the field of research is in constant exchange with people and organizations from practice, umbrella organizations, public authorities, etc.. The research results are regularly published and incorporated into the teaching of the FFHS.

The research field "Innovation, Accounting and Auditing" maintains a close exchange and interdisciplinary cooperation:

  • Research Field Innovation and Finance
  • Dipartimento economia aziendale, sanità e sociale (DEASS) of the Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI)
  • University of Social Work (HSA) of the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)

Research Field Manager: Dr. oec. Daniela Mühlenberg-Schmitz


In the field of research "Innovation and Finance", the activities of the Institute focus primarily on non-profit organisations, associations and state-subsidised institutions such as retirement and nursing homes, workshops for the disabled, training organisations, social firms or hospitals. Due to a special need for tailor-made solutions in this area, IMI offers numerous practical guides and consulting services. This is not least because the traditional business literature and many established research institutes have so far been rather cautious on topics such as accounting, transparency, controlling, financing or tax issues in these areas.

As part of our lively research and publication activities, we attach particular importance to cooperation with practitioners and associations, for example when it comes to formulating new projects or critically questioning our own research results. In the Institute's own publication series "Steuer- und Finanznachrichten" ("Tax and Financial News"), great importance is attached to the economic interpretation of legal norms and standards in this area - whether in a specific national context or in comparison with other legal and economic traditions.

IMI cooperates with the following institutions in research and teaching in the field of "Innovation & Finance":

  • Dipartimento scienze aziendali e sociali (DSAS) of the Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana SUPSI
  • Centre for Philanthropy Studies (CEPS) of the University of Basel
  • Institute for Nonprofit and Public Management of the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) 

Research Field Manager: Prof. Dr. Daniel Zöbeli


In the field of "Innovation and Strategy" we are active in research and teaching (Master of Science in Business Administration) and offer services for companies with the following focal points:

Strategy for SMEs and absence from strategy

SMEs often need different approaches than large companies. Under certain circumstances, they can get by without a classic strategy, i.e. without long-term objectives and appropriate measures. However, such companies are neither without leadership nor orientation. Rather, they are set up in such a way that they continuously identify new, promising business opportunities and, if necessary, make immediate use of them. In our studies, we have identified various organizational mechanisms and management tools that successful Swiss SMEs use instead of the traditional strategy. These include modularisation, insourcing and relationship-based cooperation. We support SMEs in designing their organisational structure and in introducing management tools so that they can make effective use of their advantages.

In addition, we offer the development of market analyses and clarifications.

  • Innovation management and interdisciplinary cooperation
  • Innovation is becoming increasingly interdisciplinary. In order for cooperation between actors from different business functions and disciplines to succeed, various hurdles must be overcome and effective support mechanisms introduced. We support companies in identifying the hurdles, in improving their innovation processes and in introducing organisational mechanisms to promote interdisciplinary cooperation.

In cooperation with partners from research and practice, we have developed a workbook to promote our approach to interdisciplinary collaboration in the context of innovation projects. You are welcome to order the Workbook from us.


We cooperate with partners from the following companies and institutions in research and the provision of services:

  • Brandoos AG - Consulting boutique with focus on customer orientation and strategic renewal
  • DEASS SUPSI - Department of Business Administration, Health Care and Social Work of SUPSI, the University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland 
  • HTZ - the High Tech Centre Aargau advises SMEs in the fields of innovation and nano- and energy technologies
  • Health Tech Center Switzerland - the center offers a platform for Swiss companies including start-ups in the field of Health Tech

Research Field Manager: Dr. Andrea L. Sablone

The research field "Innovation and Entrepreneurship" focuses on the topics of innovation, innovation management, entrepreneurship and business growth. 

Company growth and traction

Traction is a new, promising approach which, by combining different methods, enables a market to be served in a much shorter time and with a higher success rate than is the case with conventional marketing approaches. The three core components of the approach are 

  • the implementation of a market development that begins at the same time as product development, 
  • the targeted selection of an optimal marketing channel from 19 possible marketing channels, and 
  • the continuous quantification of the growth effect with a change of the optimal marketing channel as soon as the previous marketing channel is saturated. 

Core questions for research are included:

  • When do you ideally start with market development and how do you optimally divide your resources between market and product development?
  • How do you find the optimal distribution channel for each of your products and services?
  • How do you recognize that a sales channel is saturated and find a new optimal sales channel?
  • Does your company have the people to leverage the potential of Traction? How can you build that expertise?

Innovation management and interdisciplinary collaboration

Innovation is becoming increasingly interdisciplinary. In order for cooperation between actors from different business functions and disciplines to succeed, various hurdles must be overcome and effective support mechanisms introduced. We support companies in identifying such hurdles, in improving their innovation processes and in introducing organisational mechanisms to promote interdisciplinary cooperation.

In cooperation with partners from research and practice, we have developed a workbook to promote our approach to interdisciplinary collaboration in the context of innovation projects. You are welcome to order the Workbook from us.


We cooperate with partners from the following companies and institutions in research and the provision of services:

  • Brandoos AG - Consulting boutique with focus on customer orientation and strategic renewal
  • DEASS SUPSI - Department of Business Administration, Health Care and Social Work of SUPSI, the University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland 
  • HTZ - the High Tech Centre Aargau advises SMEs in the fields of innovation and nano- and energy technologies

Research Field Manager: Dr. Hagen Worch