Request for the intermediary

It's worth recommending!

Who better to provide information about distance learning than someone who knows it from personal experience? Tell your friends, acquaintances and prospective students about the FFHS and win them over as new students. It pays to recommend - you will receive the following bonus for successful referrals:

  • CHF 500 for students in the training degree programmes
  • CHF 100 for students in the continuing education programmes

Requirements & Conditions


You have a current lecturer contract at the FFHS.

Active and former students:You are or have been enrolled at the FFHS for at least one semester.

Employees of the FFHS:
Employees of the FFHS (full and part-time) cannot benefit from placement.

The person you have referred is enrolling in a degree programme at the FFHS for the first time. Please note the following restrictions:

  • You can recommend several people.
  • A premium is only issued once per person referred.
  • Reciprocal advertising (A recruits B and B recruits A) is not recognised.
  • Premiums and conditions are subject to change.

Procedure & required steps

  1. Recommend the FFHS to your acquaintances.
  2. If a person decides to study (Bachelor's, Master's or Continuing Education Master's as well as DAS and CAS), this person must note you as the referral person on the online registration (under the item "Study recommended by"). Please note that once you have submitted your online application, it will no longer be possible to register an intermediary and in this case no intermediary premium will be paid.
  3. You, as the placement person, send us this signed form by the following deadlines: Registration for the autumn semester by the end of September at the latest, registration for the spring semester by the end of March at the latest.
  4. Provided that the newly enrolled student is still enrolled on 15.10. (registration for the autumn semester) or 15.4. (registration for the spring semester) of the respective academic year, we will transfer the premium to you in the following November or May.